Old Fashioned Weekend Fun

Hello strangers! If you don’t mind, I’ll just skip the “I forgot to blog” hoopla, and jump right in. Maybe it’s the hint of fall in the air (which is very unusual for Austin, and also very welcome), but Grant and I have been in a huge ‘homesteading’ phase. We talk about gardening and chickens and I’ve been baking bread and knitting up a storm…it’s been really great and I’m hoping it continues regardless of the temperature.

We decided over the past week to finally attempt our garden. This is due in part to our decision to renew our lease, and in part to the fact that all my springtime attempts have been massive failures that burn to a crisp within a week of planting. So we’ve started seed sprouts indoors. Although quite a few of the plants are not traditional winter vegetables, we planted all sorts of things, and we’re just kind of hoping a couple things work out for us. As you can see, the massive beanstalk has really taken off in comparison to its counterparts:

We also began our CSA subscription this week. I didn’t take any pictures of the farmer’s market, but I’m already in love with the idea of waking up and visiting every Saturday morning, so I’m sure I will in the future. After picking up our veggies (and treating ourselves to a couple breakfast tacos) we visited Callahan’s.

I’m totally in love. It’s a massive feed store with Austin flair. We checked out some seeds and garden accessories, visited the chicks, and then I fell in love.

This little guy was totally adorable, and if I didn’t think the dog would find him to be the coolest chew toy ever, he definitely would have come home with me. Instead, we came home with some local honey in an attempt to battle our annual allergies.

Naturally, we also came home with a little sumthin’ for the dog. Don’t worry, it wasn’t a rabbit. Instead, we bought him the longest rawhide stick of all time. I’d say he was a fan.

I hope everyone else is enjoying the transition to fall as much as we are around here! I’m hoping to have a lot of updates soon regarding plants, knits, and baked goods. Stay tuned!

Quiet Friday Evening

So since one of my New Year’s resolutions was to actually FOR THE LOVE OF GOD START BLOGGING, ONCE AND FOR ALL, I’m just going to hit the ground running! No major projects finished this year as of yet, but I am spending a quiet Friday evening at home baking these:

Banana Muffins


and knitting this:

Papa's Socks


and hanging out with this guy:




Recipe is this one. Sock pattern is here on Ravelry. The dog is my own, and not available to the general public. 🙂


And here we are!

FINALLY! The creation of this blog was brought on by something extremely exciting (and long overdue): my ownership of an iPhone! Since this blog will be predominantly a crafty/thrifty/picture-filled blog, I was waiting until I had an iPhone for it’s easy picture-taking abilities (meaning I’ll always have it, since the best pictures are always taken when we don’t think we’ll need a camera).

This is where I’ll post what crafty things I’m working on, what treasures I’ve recently procured, what I’m doing around Austin, and any recent adventures. I know general blog advice is to stick to a specific theme when blogging, but my favorite blogs are always ones where you get to peek into peoples’ lives in addition to their craft rooms.

So welcome to my blog! I’ve been reading so many fantastic and inspiring blogs for years, and I am tremendously excited to be joining their ranks. Bear with me in the beginning–I’m new at this, and might stumble around a bit. Thanks for reading!